April 23, 2018
We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people
• The grade 12 leadership class will be hosting a co-ed dodge ball tournament as a fundraiser for their year-end trip to Brigadoon. Sign up will take place on April 26th and 27th at lunch hour outside of the gym. The price will be $2 per person with a non-perishable food item and $3 without one. The minimum number of team members is 8 and the maximum is 10.
• Cavalier of the Year Committee meeting today at lunch in room 104.
• Cavalier of the Year Sign-up sheet is posted on the Student Council Room. Anyone is welcome to sign up.
• We Act meeting Tuesday after school.
• For those interested in playing girls softball, please meet in room 120 at lunch.
• Ms. Stairs in student services is collecting grad fees. This year's early bird fee is $50 dollars cash only. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Dean Stevenson in RM 314. The Graduation Ceremony will be held at school on June 27, 2 p.m.
• May 11th to 13th St F. X. will be hosting a Leadership Development Conference. High school students and 4-H seniors from all over Atlantic Canada are invited to learn about leadership development in the areas of community engagement and communication. Stop by Student Services or the Main office to see the poster and find out how to register.
Attention Grade 12 Students – Post Secondary Opportunities:
• Nova Scotia Power is pleased to announce The Chris Huskilson Emera Scholarship: applicants must have academic excellence and be attending an Atlantic Canadian university in the areas of science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship or math. The recipient will receive $10,000 per year for four years as well as a paid, 12-week internship and a senior mentor from one of Emera’s companies. Deadline for applications is April 26th. Further details and Application Form are available online at emera.com/scholarships
• Reminder to students attending St. Mary’s University next year that reps from St. Mary’s will be in room 314 at 8:30 this morning assisting students with course registration.
• Reminder to students attending St. Mary’s University next year that reps from St. Mary’s will be in room 314 on Wednesday at 8:30 to assist students with course registration. Student planning to attend can sign up in Student services.
• Open Houses are not considered school-based activities; missed classes due to attending these events will be counted towards your attendance.