Cole Harbour District High School

February 1st, 2023

Boys Basketball hosting Bayview in our Gym at 4pm today!

1. There will be a cooking workshop next Tuesday, February 7th at 12:30 PM. If you are interested in practicing your cooking skills, please see Ellis in room 310 to sign up! You must sign up in advance and get your teacher's permission to attend. Limited spots are available.

2. Attention Cole Harbour, the boys basketball will be hosting Bayview in our gym at 4 pm today.

Come out and cheer on the team!

3. The upcoming Teen Nights at Cole Harbour Public Library is

     February 7: Marshmallow Tower Competition
Flyers for the Cole Harbour Library Teen events are posted on the Bulletin Board.

4. The Valentine Dance will be no charge since there were only 2 students at the school and one had the Equity T shirt on and One didn’t so 50% of the student body in attendance had the T Shirt on.

5. Please wear your TShirt this Friday in honour of Equity and Respect.

6.  Mascot Showdown Dance Competitions are tomorrow in at 2pm in the Yoga Room.   Scan the QR code on the posters located around the school or talk to a Student Council Member to reserve your spot.