Cole Harbour District High School

March 10th, 2023

1. "The last tryouts for badminton have been rescheduled to Thursday March 24th between 2-3 pm. After March break the team list will be posted."

2. There will be sign up for a volleyball tournament being held the week following March Break.   The sign up sheet will be on the Caf doors at lunch.  Everyone is welcome to participate.

3. African Drum and Dance Ensemble - Students interested in being part of our Cavs African Drum and Dance Ensemble can sign up at the main office and pick up a registration form.  This is an opportunity for any student who would like to learn more about African Drumming and Dancing through a 6-week mentorship program.  With the opportunity in May to meet other drumming groups from around HRCE to perform.

4. The SchoolsPlus room is closed today.

5. Today is Monday on the schedule.