Cole Harbour District High School

April 17th, 2024

Rugby Practice Thursday

1. On Saturday, April 20th, there will be a used book, puzzle, and games sale at Findley Community Centre in Dartmouth in support of the Youth Project. It's 5 dollars to enter, and then you can take as many items as you like! If you have any books, games, or puzzles in good condition you'd like to donate to the sale, Ellis is collecting them in room 310 throughout the week.

2. We are collecting Eclipse glasses to send to another country for their eclipse in August.

3. There is no Badminton today -   it is scheduled for April 24th.

4. Rugby practice on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at the Cole Harbour Turf field.

5. Since there is no school tomorrow – Sandwich Day will be rescheduled to Friday this week.