Cole Harbour District High School

May 6th, 2024

1. The food drive is well underway and CavUnity would like to thank all who have donated in support of Out of The Cold Halifax. Food drive donations will be collected until Friday with the winner being announced on Monday May 13.

2. There will also be an important CavUnity meeting today and Thursday at lunch in Ms Munro's room.

3. This is a reminder for the students who have registered for the Province House Field Trip that the next meeting has been moved to Thursday May 16. Please check your email for more information.

4. If there are any Grade 12 Students planning on attending NSCC Ackerly Campus for Heavy Duty/Truck Repairs and Automotive Repairs/Collision Repairs and would like to do a tour this Thursday at 10 a.m.  Please see Mr. Stevenson in Room 301 for a permission form to attend.

5. York University (Ontario) will be visiting our school on Thursday, May 9 at lunchtime.They will be here to answer any questions you might have about their university and programs.

6. Boys Rugby meeting at lunch in Room 120.

Check out your graduating class Google classroom for more details.

7. There will be a boys softball practice Tuesday, May 6 after school.

8. Attention all students - We are exploring the possibility of bringing back Girls and Boys hockey to our school. If you are interested in helping form a team next year, sign-up on the Cole Harbour Google Classroom.