Cole Harbour District High School

Curriculum Night

September 25, 2020

Hello CHDHS families

Please note the important information below:

Tuesday evening between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 pm, we will be holding our curriculum night event virtually.  As with in person curriculum events, teachers will vary in their approach to sharing pertinent information with families. Please watch your email during the time mentioned above.  If you do not receive emails from teachers, there is an issue with the email listed in PowerSchool. Please contact the main office to have this issue rectified.

Each year as a part of our Emergency Management Plan, there are regular drills and practices of procedure for staff and students, including lockdown and hold and secure drills. Please note that our first lockdown drill is scheduled for the morning of Tuesday, September 29th. During this drill, we secure the building, and position students for safety. During Emergency Management drills, we expect that all members of the school community will continue to respectfully support and participate in these drills mindfully and with maturity. We encourage you to discuss the importance of these drills with your child and if questions or concerns arise, please contact the school.

Thank you and have a good evening,

Dunovan Kalberlah