Cole Harbour District High School

Curriculum Info

Hello Cole Harbour High Families,
This evening you will be receiving course information from each of your child’s teachers via the email address listed in Powerschool.  I would like to thank our teachers for finding ways to make this work virtually.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact administration.  You can find all contact information in our staff directory on the school website.
Below is information student services would usually provide to families in our evening session.
Thank you,
Dunovan Kalberlah

Good Evening,
Every September during Curriculum night, I host Information Sessions for the parents of our Grade 12 students, and since this is not possible this September, I am sending you this email with the following links:
Grade 12 Student and Parent Information
This slide show contains the information I have shared this past week with all grade 12 students in classrooms, including topics as credit check for graduation, how to decide what to do after high school, the difference between University and College (admission requirements and deadlines), and options available for funding one’s post-secondary education.
Funding Your Future
This slide show contains the information covered during my lunchtime sessions held a few times each semester. As well as covering what funding options are available, the slides near the end of the show refer to helpful tips for building resumes and writing cover letters, which are a big part of creating successful scholarship and bursary applications.
Finally, the following link will take you to the CHDHS Scholarship Page:  This site is regularly updated as new deadline dates for this school year become available, and as I learn about new scholarship opportunities which need to be added to the list.
Over the coming days, I will be meeting with every Grade 12 student one-on-one to review grade 12 courses, their course load and plan for graduation in June, as well as their post-secondary plans and what needs to be put in place to achieve this post-secondary plan.
I look forward to a successful grade 12 year for your graduating students, and want you to know that I welcome your emails and phone calls with any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Rhonda Mc Lean, M.Ed, RCT, CCC
School Counsellor
Cole Harbour District High School
Dartmouth, NS  B2W 4X4
(902) 464-5220 ext. 6