Cole Harbour District High School

November 18th, 2020

1)  IMPROV IMPROV IMPROV.  A reminder that there is IMPROV club afterschool today from 2-3:30 in the Music room.  All are welcome for fun and games.

2) Attention Grade 12 Students: Please continue to check the calendar on the school website regularly since there are many virtual open houses still going on. NSCC is hosting evening sessions for the rest of this week, the AARAO Tour university and college sessions are also underway and continue all week and weekend. St. Mary’s University is having their 2nd open house on Saturday, and University of Kings College is hosting 2 open houses on Saturday. The New Brunswick College of Craft & Design is also having their virtual open house on Saturday. Check the calendar for details on all of these events, and remember that most universities and colleges are waiving application fees if you are present at their open house events.