Cole Harbour District High School

February 3rd, 2023

1. There will be a cooking workshop next Tuesday, February 7th at 12:30 PM. If you are interested in practicing your cooking skills, please see Ellis in room 310 to sign up! You must sign up in advance and get your teacher's permission to attend. Limited spots are available.

2. The upcoming Teen Nights at Cole Harbour Public Library is
      February 7: Marshmallow Tower Competition
Flyers for the Cole Harbour Library Teen events are posted on the Bulletin Board.

3. In girls basketball action last night, our lady cavs took on the undefeated Citadel Phoenix with only five players and down by 12 points with 3 minutes left, the girls ran out of steam.

Coach Sparks is exceptionally proud of the team with their grit and pace.

The team is reminded of their practice Monday at 6 pm

4. Attn all Curlers pls see Mr. Jobb today at lunch time in room 104.

5. The boys basketball team is reminded to pay their tournament fees.