Cole Harbour District High School

February 7th, 2023

1. The Teen Night at Cole Harbour Public Library today is
       Marshmallow Tower Competition tonight
Flyers for the Cole Harbour Library Teen events are posted on the Bulletin Board.

2. Any NSVS students who require a laptop, please see Ms Barry as soon as possible.
Also, if you have an NSVS class this semester and didn't seen Ms Barry during that block last week, please see her today during that block.

3. The student council are having a bake sale over the lunch break today and running until Friday.   Baked goods will cost .75 to $3.00 with all proceeds being donated to Business is Jammin (BIJ) one of the four groups the Black Business Initiative supports.   The BIJ focus on empowering black and racially visible minority youth and are based in Halifax.

4. Equity Team Quote of the Day

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." -- Harriet Tubman