Cole Harbour District High School

February 9th, 2023

Valentines Dance is tonight

1. The student council are having a bake sale over the lunch break today and running until Friday.   Baked goods will cost .75 to $3.00 with all proceeds being donated to Business is Jammin (BIJ) one of the four groups the Black Business Initiative supports.   The BIJ focus on empowering black and racially visible minority youth and are based in Halifax.

2. The Valentines Dance is tonight, please sign up using the QR code posted on the posters throughout the school.   Come out and have some fun!

3. The SHINE Student Action Committee is having a Warm Clothes Drive from now until the end of February.  There is a box in the front of cafeteria.  SHINE is collecting hats, mittens, coats and snowpants.  All donations will go to the Parker Street Food Bank.

4. There is a Curling meeting in Mr. Jobb room 104 at lunch

5. Quote of the Day

"Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in."
Dr. King