Cole Harbour District High School

February 10th, 2023

1. The student council are having a bake sale over the lunch break with all proceeds being donated to Business is Jammin (BIJ) one of the four groups the Black Business Initiative supports.   The BIJ focus on empowering black and racially visible minority youth and are based in Halifax.

2. Congratulations to Student Council for another successful dance.  DJs Makal and Taylor did a great job playing music and the decorations committee also did a great job.  Shut out to Ms. Mumford, Ms. Cusson, Ms. Ward and Mr. Carmichael for chaperoning last night.  And a shout out to Mr. Reddick too for all the support he provided to the Student Council.

3. The school plus room is closed today.

Quote of the Day

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi