Cole Harbour District High School

February 21st, 2023

African Drumming Meeting today at lunch

1. The SHINE Student Action Committee is having a Warm Clothes Drive from now until the end of February. 

2. Those students who were in NSVS courses last semester, but do not have NSVS courses this semester, could you please return your NSVS laptops to Ms Barry.  They are not yours to keep and there are students that need them for this semester.

3. A representative from the University of New Brunswick will be in the cafetorium tomorrow.  Come and talk with them to find out what their university has to offer you.

4. Students who signed up for African Drumming on Friday are to meet with Mr. Reddick at lunch in the conference room for a short meeting.

5. Congratulations to all the participants in the curling regionals. All players had fun and did great big thanks to Mr. Jobb and his saying “Good Curling”.