Daily Annoucements January 17, 2025


  1. Tutoring in Room 115 every Wednesday from 1:45 to 2:45 – everyone welcome.
  2. Are you worried about the upcoming exams? There will be drop in study skills workshops at lunch on Tuesdays throughout January.  Stop by room 310 to learn strategies to help you get ready for exam season.
  3. Good news CHDHS is making a Yearbooks.  It will be ready before the end of the school year.  More info on how to           purchase provided soon.
  4. "Thursday January 23rd, from 10:30-12:00, Entrepreneurship 12 students will be hosting their class Venture Fair! A variety of student lead business's will be set up in the lobby offering a number of handmade drinks, treats, protein bars, original art work, gourmet slime and even one-of-a-kind candles!... Come out and support ENT 12 as they launch their businesses." 
  5. Attention Grade 12 Cavs! On the CHDHS Class of 2025 Google Classroom is a google form for Yearbook Quotes.   Please fill it out as we need the Grad 12 quotes by March 28th!!
  6. The exam schedule is attached for reference.