Cole Harbour District High School

April 12, 2018

• Cole Harbour High School will be sending a hockey jersey to Humboldt, Saskatchewan.  Students may drop by the office to write a note of sympathy which will be included with the jersey. 

• We Act meeting today at lunch time in room 202.

• Looking for ways to get more involved in your school? Want to meet students from all over the world? Why not consider becoming one of our school’s International Student Ambassadors. Stop by Student Services and add your name to the sign-up sheet. You will then be contacted regarding the application process.

• Another summer of interesting programming for African Nova Scotian youth is only a few months away. If you have an interest in health careers and post-secondary education in general, stop by Student Services for more information about these summer camps at Dalhousie University and how to register.

• The Banook Canoe Club is currently accepting applications for summer employment. Please go to and click on “summer job opportunities” for more information on how to apply. And hurry, some of the application deadlines are this Friday!

• Cav Shack Store is now open!    Store is across from room 206.
• Come Tuesday and Thursday at lunch to the yoga room for relaxation and meditation.

• Ms. Stairs in student services is collecting grad fees. This year's early bird fee is $50 dollars cash only.   If you have any questions, please see Mr. Dean Stevenson in RM 314.  The Graduation Ceremony will be held at school on June 27, 2 p.m.

• The Youth Expo, April 21, 2018, 9am - 4pm.  Parade featuring the NS Cadet Pipes and Drums at 8:45.  Free Youth concert 4 pm – 5:30 pm, featuring Before Monday.  Don Henderson Memorial Sportsplex, Brookfield, NS.  Free for Kids 18 and under.

Attention Grade 12 Students – Post Secondary Opportunities:

• The Scholarships and Bursaries Information Page on our old school website is temporarily unavailable. In order to stay on top of upcoming application deadlines for scholarships, there is a printed copy of this web page posted outside Student Services. There are also copies available in the main office and library for you to review. Sorry for this inconvenience and we’ll notify you as soon as the webpage is once again available online.

• Nova Scotia Power is pleased to announce The Chris Huskilson Emera Scholarship: applicants must have academic excellence and be attending an Atlantic Canadian university in the areas of science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship or math. The recipient will receive $10,000 per year for four years as well as a paid, 12-week internship and a senior mentor from one of Emera’s companies. Deadline for applications is April 26th.  Further details and Application Form are available online at

• Open Houses are not considered school-based activities; missed classes due to attending these events will be counted towards your attendance.