May 3, 2018
We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people
• IB exams are being conducted today in the library. As a result, the library is closed until 10:30 this morning and printing in the library will not be available until 10:30.
• The boys’ rugby team had their first big challenge Wednesday. Despite several players stepping up with big games, they fell short to a powerful Citadel team losing 43-12. Eyumu scored all the points on 2 touchdowns and a conversion kick. Please come cheer them on Friday at 3:30 when the battle eastern shore at the Cole Harbour turf.
• There will be a prom committee meeting today (Thursday) during lunch in room 307. New members are welcome!
• Grade 12 students: please return your Mother’s day Lobster tickets or the money sold to Ms. Finnemore in room 307 as soon as possible.
• Students interested in becoming this year’s Cole Harbour District High School valedictorian must submit their speech to Ms. Finnemore by Wednesday, May 23. If you are interested in competing or would like to be a judge for the final competition, please see Ms. Finnemore.
• Yoga students are having a bake sale again today at 10:30 outside the yoga room. Proceeds will go to Red Cross Hurricane Relief.
• The following dodge ball teams are playing Friday at lunch: Dirty Dodgers, Jimmy Gang, Duck Duck Chuck, and Tenners.
• We Act is holding a Goat Dance on May 10, 6:30 to 9:30. All proceeds go to Ecuador. Pay $5 and bring a friend because every $50 raised will go to purchase a goat to feed a family. Students bringing guests will need to sign them up by this Friday. Sign-up sheet is in room 202.
• Do you have the most school spirit and a talent to show off than you should sign up for Cavalier of the year (previously Mr. Cole Harbour High), sign-up sheet is posted on the council room door and the deadline for signing up is tomorrow.
• Ms. Stairs in student services is collecting grad fees. This year's early bird fee is $50 dollars cash only. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Dean Stevenson in RM 314. The Graduation Ceremony will be held at school on June 27, 2 p.m.
• May 11th to 13th St F. X. will be hosting a Leadership Development Conference. High school students and 4-H seniors from all over Atlantic Canada are invited to learn about leadership development in the areas of community engagement and communication. Stop by Student Services or the Main office to see the poster and find out how to register.
Attention Grade 12 Students – Post Secondary Opportunities:
• The scholarship page on the school website is up and running again. Please check this page regularly for the next number of weeks – there are lots of deadlines coming up for some important awards, such as the Cole Harbour Foundation Scholarships, plus many more.
• Any Grade 12 students still undecided about your university plans for the fall? Memorial University of Newfoundland is still accepting applications for their Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs. Go to their webpage for more details on how to apply if you are interested.
• Cole Harbour Soccer Club Scholarship Applications are now available. If you are a student with strong academics and strong soccer skills, as well as a history of giving back through coaching or training of other players, stop into Student Services for an application. Deadline for these applications is May 20th.
• Open Houses are not considered school-based activities; missed classes due to attending these events will be counted towards your attendance.